PowerShell becomes more appealing as you learn it. For example, I had to look
up what different values of “encoding” people use in XML posts to a site. To
do this, you have to loop through every line in the logfile, extract the value
and group by a count. You can do this with Log Parser, but Log Parser lacks
support for easily matching parts of a string. You have to work with INDEX_OF and SUBSTRING and it's
just tedious. You can do it with LINQPad if you write the .NET code yourself, but the framework doesn't have convenience methods for everything (like processing multiple files). Enter
PowerShell, where it's trivial to combine command-line tools with .NET code.
Here was my first attempt.
Count Name
----- ----
10071 UTF-8
908 ISO-8859-15
49 ISO-8859-1
16 UTF8
10071 UTF-8
908 ISO-8859-15
49 ISO-8859-1
16 UTF8
/i /c:encoding 07-23-2010.log
| foreach { [text.regularexpressions.regex]::match($_, "encoding *= *['`"](?<encoding>[^'`"]+)")
} |? { $_.success } | foreach { $_.groups["encoding"].value } |
Group-Object -NoElement | Sort-Object Count -Descending | Format-Table
Count Name
----- ----
10071 UTF-8
908 ISO-8859-15
49 ISO-8859-1
16 UTF8
(OK, this
wasn’t quite my first attempt - the stuff after
Group-Object was added later when it became clear it
was necessary. If you leave it out, the output should be the same by
coincidence (Group-Object doesn’t sort and Format-Table is the default, but without -AutoSize).)
The nice
thing here is that PowerShell actually has built-in support for regular
expressions, but if you’re still learning about it and you don’t know the cmdlets,
then your existing knowledge of findstr and .NET transfers just fine. Here is the fully
PowerShell way of doing it:
-pattern "encoding *= *['`"](?<encoding>[^'`"]+)" 07-23-2010.log
|% { $_.matches[0].groups["encoding"] } | group -NoElement | sort
Count -Descending | ft -AutoSize
has its own findstr called select-string, which yields
MatchInfo objects that can be further manipulated.
The % is short
for Foreach-Object, incidentally. Even with IntelliSense, it’s quicker.
I’m using other aliases as well.
The really
neat thing here is Group-Object. If you were using a Unix command line, you’d probably
have to puzzle a bit on this - the trick is
uniq -c, which can produce counts of sorted
lines. So all you need to do is produce a list of encodings, one for each line,
sort them, count them, then sort by count. You can reduce a line to its
encoding with sed or awk, for example. I’m going to use sed because I’m hardcore. (Note that this command line is Windows-specific, and we're using the built-in sort rather than the Unix sort.)
-n "s/^.*encoding *= *['\""]\([^'\""]*\).*$/\U\1/p" 07-23-2010.log|sort|uniq
-c|sort /r
10071 UTF-8
908 ISO-8859-15
49 ISO-8859-1
16 UTF8
object-oriented approach is much nicer than having to combine sort and
uniq in creative ways. You can, of course, have
your cake and eat it too: why not call sed from within PowerShell?
-n "s/^.*encoding *= *['\`"]\([^'\`"]*\).*$/\U\1/p" 07-23-2010.log|group
-NoElement|sort Count -Descending|ft -AutoSize
Now you’re
playing with power… albeit power that’s pretty hard to use if you don’t know sed’s rather spartan regex syntax. Of course,
the kids these days use Perl or Python for tasks like this rather than a
dinosaur like sed, but I’m not digging into that here. You might as well do it in C# if
you're going that way. In .NET 4, improvements were made to the File class so you can easily read and write the
lines incrementally through an IEnumerable instead of having to slurp everything into memory.
var encodings =
from line in File.ReadLines("07-23-2010.log")
let match = Regex.Match(line, @"encoding *= *['""](?<encoding>[^'""]+)")
where match.Success
select match.Groups["encoding"].Value
foreach (var encoding in encodings.GroupBy(encoding => encoding, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", encoding.Key, encoding.Count());
select match.Groups["encoding"].Value
foreach (var encoding in encodings.GroupBy(encoding => encoding, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", encoding.Key, encoding.Count());
UTF-8 10071
ISO-8859-15 908
ISO-8859-1 40
UTF8 16
ISO-8859-15 908
ISO-8859-1 40
UTF8 16
This is a lot more code. On the plus side, if you already know .NET and
LINQ well you probably have to spend less time thinking about it. Once you know
PowerShell, though, the ability to do these things in a single line and
incrementally starts saving time. Especially because none of the alternatives
provided so far can handle multiple files gracefully, like the PowerShell
version can:
-pattern "encoding *= *[^'`"](?<encoding>[^'`"]+)" 07-*-2010.log
|% { $_.matches[0].groups["encoding"] } | group -NoElement | sort
Count -Descending | ft -AutoSize
To search all files for this month, all I have to do is insert a
wildcard. The alternatives all operate on single files and can’t do this as
easily. Try extending the .NET version to see what I mean. I won’t even go into
how you do this in Unix - sufficive to say it requires the horrible find command, xargs and cat and is by no stretch of the imagination easy, unless
you do it every day.
In Unix you would probably use Perl:
echo "Count Name"
cat 07-23-2010.log |
perl -ne '/encoding *= *(['"'"'`"]?)([-a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/ and $a{$2}++; END {print map { "$a{$_} $_\n" } keys %a}' | sort -n
BTW: This part ('|`") of your regexp looks wrong. I think you really mean: (['`"]*)
Whoops, you're absolutely right about the | part -- this was an earlier version. The "right" expression even appears elsewhere. Of course the pipe works, but it's unnecessarily complicated. Corrected. (Note that the starting quote cannot be optional or appear any number of times, though -- that's invalid XML.)
The perl solution actually looks more complicated than the awk solution I worked out. I've always managed to somehow resist learning perl, though, so maybe there's a solution that's shorter but less readable, as I'm told there always is in perl. :-)
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