built a simple ASP.NET MVC app to do something utterly trivial, I decided to
try my hand at building it in Ruby on Rails. Why? Because I can, and because I
wanted to see how that worked. As an implementation constraint, it had to run
on Windows and it had to read from an SQL Server database, and this turned out
to be the tricky bit.
In reading
this it'll be helpful to know my background. Prior to this I had no RoR
experience. I did know some Ruby because I picked it up during a vacation, but
I haven't written any serious applications in it. Other than that, I can go
down to assembly to solve problems if that's what it takes. That wasn't
necessary, fortunately, but I did have to dig quite deep to make things work. A lot of it might have been avoided by more careful Googling, but that's always after the fact.
things first. Obviously we pick up the Windows installer for Ruby from
rubyinstaller.org. This doesn't contain Rails, but it doesn't need to —
Rails can be installed with the gem package manager. Like so:
gem install rails
trivial. Now you have a fully functional Ruby on Rails installation — except
that it has no way to connect to SQL Server. Let's ignore that for now and set
up our Rails site first. Multiple sites helpfully document how to do this.
For these
purposes, I'll be connecting to a simple demonstration database called
"Words" that contains only one table, also called "Words",
which has three columns: "Word", "SpeechPart" and
"Frequency". As you might guess, this is a table containing English
word frequencies. This was not, in fact, the database for my actual problem,
but it showed some more issues useful for illustration. This database already
exists, so it's not to be generated by Rails. Let's set up a Rails site for
such a table:
rails words
ruby words\script\generate scaffold word Word:string SpeechPart:string
Now we
need to set up this site to connect to our SQL database. Googling around, I
gathered additional packages were needed to connect to SQL Server over ODBC.
Incidentally, ODBC is the slowest way to connect to SQL Server, but there seems
to be no native support as of yet. I saw pages discussing abandoned attempts
from earlier Rails versions, but I didn't try installing those. For my
purposes, ODBC was good enough. So we continue:
gem install activerecord-sqlserver-adapter
Now we
edit the site configuration (config\database.yml) to use my database:
adapter: sqlserver
mode: odbc
dsn: driver={SQL Native
Some of
you may already see the problem — but don't spoil it for the rest. Let's just
run our Rails application:
ruby words\script\server
After we
get the welcome page, we surf to /words and... we get a nice error page. The
log file clears things up:
no such file to load — odbc
Server adapter needs ODBC, but that isn't installed automatically for some
reason. No matter, we can guess what's next:
gem install odbc
guess, but no — the gem is actually called ruby-odbc. Because… I don't know — as
far as I know gems come in only one language. Maybe it's to emphasize that it's
a core gem. Never mind:
gem install ruby-odbc
Building native extensions. This
could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing
ERROR: Failed to build
gem native extension.
D:/Temp/ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb
checking for version.h... no
checking for sql.h... yes
checking for sqlext.h... yes
checking for SQLTCHAR in windows.h,sqltypes.h... yes
checking for SQLLEN in windows.h,sqltypes.h... yes
checking for SQLULEN in windows.h,sqltypes.h... yes
checking for odbcinst.h... yes
checking for main() in -lodbc32... yes
checking for main() in -lodbccp32... yes
checking for main() in -luser32... yes
creating Makefile
'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Gem files will remain installed in
d:/Temp/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-odbc-0.99991 for inspection.
Results logged to
Oh dear,
what's this? It's trying to compile some C files. At this point I suspected
that I was supposed to download precompiled binaries. Of course, I laugh in the
face of precompiled binaries. Though my default command prompt has no build environment in the path, I do have MinGW installed. Let's see
how things go from a MinGW command prompt, then.
$ gem install ruby-odbc
Building native extensions. This
could take a while...
Successfully installed ruby-odbc-0.99991
Hooray! So
we run our Rails site again and... we still get an error page. What's wrong
S1090 (0) [Microsoft][ODBC
Driver Manager] Invalid string or buffer length
At this
point, you're probably going to try all sorts of variations on the
configuration, but that will get you nowhere. Being programmers, we of course
peek at the source to see what it's doing:
class SQLServerAdapter < AbstractAdapter
def connect
config = @connection_options
@connection = case connection_mode
when :odbc
ODBC.connect config[:dsn], config[:username],
when :adonet
do |connection|
"adonet" stuff is interesting, as it suggests another way of
connecting, but I didn't dig into it. Instead, I scratched my head wondering
what was wrong with my configuration. After trying lots of permutations, I
recalled that ODBC has excellent logging that allows you to see precisely how
ODBC methods are being called. KB 274551 describes it in detail.
Now, for
those of you who have already spotted what I'm doing wrong, it may seem strange
that I couldn't see it but did recall the ODBC tracing option, which is a lot
more obscure than the problem I was having. That's just how these things go:
without direct and frequent interaction with ODBC, what I can recall about it
is a crapshoot.
this is what the ODBC tracing tells us:
server 370-328 EXIT
SQLConnectW with return code -1
HDBC 011B1830
WCHAR * 0x011B1938 [ -3]
"driver={SQL Native
Client};Server=localhost;Database=words;Trusted_Connection=yes\ 0"
WCHAR * 0x74324EC8 [ -3] "******\ 0"
WCHAR * 0x74324EC8 [ -3] "******\ 0"
DIAG [S1090] [Microsoft][ODBC
Driver Manager] Invalid string or buffer length (0)
The first
thing that throws up a red flag is the weird "\ 0" at the end.
Shouldn't that be "\0" or something? And what's with the
"-3"? If that's supposed to be the length...
Looking up
documentation for SQLConnect, there's a description for the error
that explains everything:
Invalid string or
buffer length
(DM) The value
specified for argument NameLength1, NameLength2, or NameLength3 was less than
0 but not equal to SQL_NTS.
(DM) The value specified for argument NameLength1 exceeded the maximum length for a data source name.
Aha! I bet
SQL_NTS means "Null Terminated String" and it has the value -3.
Google immediately confirms this. And now we know what's wrong through a
process of elimination: "The value specified for argument NameLength1
exceeded the maximum length for a data source name." At this point, you
slap your forehead and recall that the parameter isn't called "DSN"
for nothing: you are supposed to specify a data source name there, not a
connection string. What I'm passing for a DSN is not a DSN. So the solution is
obvious: rewrite the Ruby code so it handles connection strings.
it may have occurred to some of you that the obvious solution is to create a
DSN through the ODBC control panel and specify it in the configuration. This is
true, and I have no doubt that it would have worked, but honestly, DSNs are
lame. Seriously, do you use a DSN to connect to SQL Server? Accustomed as I am
to .NET, I expect to be able to use connection strings. I don't want to futz
around with DSNs, especially not for a simple test application like this. And I'm
willing to go to great lengths to make that possible. All in the interest of simplicity and saving time, you understand.
So if
SQLConnect can't handle connection strings, what can? The documentation
helpfully points out that we're looking for SQLDriverConnect. Where's
SQLConnect called from Ruby? It's in odbc.c, the native part of the ODBC gem:
static VALUE
dbc_connect(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
if (!succeeded(SQL_NULL_HENV,
SQLConnect(dbc, (SQLTCHAR *) sdsn, SQL_NTS,
(SQLTCHAR *) suser,
(SQLSMALLINT) (suser ? SQL_NTS : 0),
(SQLTCHAR *) spasswd,
(SQLSMALLINT) (spasswd ? SQL_NTS : 0)),
"SQLConnect('%s')", sdsn)) {
OK, but
this has no way to call SQLDriverConnect. Is that anywhere in the file, by
chance? Yes it is:
static VALUE
dbc_drvconnect(VALUE self, VALUE drv)
if (!succeeded(e->henv,
SQLDriverConnect(dbc, NULL, (SQLTCHAR *)
sdrv, SQL_NTS,
NULL, 0,
&msg, "SQLDriverConnect")) {
Great, now
we just need to find the place where dbc_connect is called and make it call
dbc_drvconnect somehow. The only other reference to dbc_connect (and
dbc_drvconnect) is still in odbc.c:
/* connection (database) methods */
rb_define_method(Cdbc, "initialize", dbc_connect, -1);
rb_define_method(Cdbc, "connect", dbc_connect, -1);
rb_define_method(Cdbc, "connected?", dbc_connected, 0);
rb_define_method(Cdbc, "drvconnect", dbc_drvconnect, 1);
I'm no
Ruby interop expert but that's clear enough: there's a "connect"
method that maps to dbc_connect and a "drvconnect" method that maps
to dbc_drvconnect. Recall that we saw a "connect" call in the SQL
def connect
config = @connection_options
@connection = case connection_mode
when :odbc
config[:dsn], config[:username], config[:password]
There's no
"drvconnect" call around, though. Does any other code call
"drvconnect"? On a fresh installation, no. If you have happened to
have installed "rails-odbc", like I did in the course of
experimenting, then yes:
if config.has_key?(:dsn)
# Connect using dsn, username, password
conn = ODBC::connect(dsn,
username, password)
conn_opts = {
:dsn => dsn, :username => username,
:password => password,
:trace => trace, :conv_num_lits =>
:emulate_booleans => emulate_bools
# Connect using ODBC connection string
# - supports DSN-based or
DSN-less connections
# e.g.
# "DRIVER={OpenLink
connstr_keyval_pairs =
driver = ODBC::Driver.new
driver.name = 'odbc'
driver.attrs = {}
connstr_keyval_pairs.each do
attr = pair.split('=')
driver.attrs[attr[0]] =
attr[1] if attr.length.eql?(2)
conn = ODBC::Database.new.drvconnect(driver)
conn_opts = {
:conn_str => config[:conn_str], :driver
=> driver,
:trace => trace, :conv_num_lits =>
:emulate_booleans => emulate_bools
Well well,
isn't that interesting. Note the "connect" call and the code
demonstrating how to call drvconnect. In fact, we could simply use this adapter
instead of the SQL Server adapter. To be honest, I have no idea what the pros
and cons are. If you do go with the Rails ODBC adapter, be sure to get the latest version
from RubyForge, not the 1.5 version you'll get if you use the default
gem install.
I didn't
go with this approach (too simple and obvious, surely), instead, I hacked the SQL Server adapter to include the
same support the ODBC adapter has. To that end, we change the check on the
module ActiveRecord
class Base
self.sqlserver_connection(config) #:nodoc:
case mode
when :odbc
'odbc' unless defined?(ODBC)
raise ArgumentError,
'Missing :dsn configuration.' unless config.has_key?(:dsn)
raise ArgumentError,
'Neither :dsn nor :conn_str configuration supplied.' if !config.has_key?(:dsn)
and !config.has_key?(:conn_str)
And at the
site where we would usually call "connect":
class SQLServerAdapter < AbstractAdapter
def connect
config = @connection_options
@connection = case
when :odbc
config[:dsn], config[:username], config[:password]
We plug in
the code from the ODBC adapter to support conn_str in addition to dsn:
when :odbc
if config[:dsn]
ODBC.connect config[:dsn],
config[:username], config[:password]
connstr = config[:conn_str]
connstr_keyval_pairs =
driver = ODBC::Driver.new
driver.name = 'odbc'
driver.attrs = {}
connstr_keyval_pairs.each do
attr = pair.split('=')
driver.attrs[attr[0]] =
attr[1] if attr.length.eql?(2)
And we
change our configuration to read:
adapter: sqlserver
mode: odbc
conn_str: driver={SQL Native
And now
our site gives a completely different error, so you know we're on the right
ActionView::TemplateError (word_url failed to generate from
{:controller=>"words", :action=>"show",
:id=>#}, expected: {:controller=>"words",
:action=>"show"}, diff: {:id=>#}) on line #15 of
12: <%=h
word.Word %>
13: <%=h
word.SpeechPart %>
14: <%=h
word.Frequency %>
15: <%= link_to
'Show', word %>
16: <%= link_to
'Edit', edit_word_path(word) %>
17: <%= link_to
'Destroy', word, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete
(eval):17:in `word_path'
And I'll
reveal what this means in my next post, when we get down to actually building
our site — and when I've hopefully figured out how to do proper formatting and syntax highlighting for these things without relying on Microsoft Word and its awful HTML as a crutch. Seriously, if anyone has tips here that make this process even a fraction less painful than it currently is, please share. It's stone knives and bearskins over here.
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